Thursday 3 January 2013

15 Famous Blog Posts By Successful Bloggers -2012

2012 was my last fat year!
1/1/2013 4:37:34 PM,  95 COMMENTS
Today is day 4 of my newest "on track" streak! On one of the teams I co-lead, Progress Not Perfection, I've posted a new challenge. Its for NSV'...  Read more
True Change For The New Year- How To
1/1/2013 11:52:28 AM,  260 COMMENTS
Where COULD you be in 2014 if you would lose a meager 1/2 (which most of us think is not enough) pound a week? 26 Pounds thinner! Where could you be...  Read more
The facts of life
12/31/2012 9:01:48 PM,  82 COMMENTS
I was going to blog about something completely different this morning... but my thoughts were kind of disjointed and I decided I'd best let THAT blog...  Read more
12/31/2012 1:25:09 PM,  215 COMMENTS
There was a post on a thread recently that asked “Does anyone have a success story” and this intrigued me and I began to think about an answer. Even t...  Read more
2013 New Years Resolutions
12/31/2012 11:49:26 AM,  4 COMMENTS
Will it's time to make my list. Been working on deciding what my goals or going to be for over a week. Even went through and read some of the spa...  Read more
An end and a beginning
12/31/2012 10:13:08 AM,  173 COMMENTS
Well, it's mid-afternoon on new year's eve as I write this. I'm going to a ballet later, which is a good choice for someone who's trying not to consu...  Read more
The Hardest Blog Ever Written.
12/30/2012 5:19:02 PM,  258 COMMENTS
I have met the enemy...and he is me. I have made the decision to go for counseling. That one sentence embodies the toughest decision I have ever...  Read more
We adopted!
12/29/2012 3:34:45 PM,  118 COMMENTS
This is our newest family member. She's 5 years old and a total sweetheart! She's a chocolate based red longhair dachshund. She's got a serene deme...  Read more
12/28/2012 7:33:33 AM,  8 COMMENTS
It was just a week ago, I selected one card from Lynn Andrews' "Power Deck" and it was the card entitled, "Commitment." Andrews writes: "You need co...  Read more
"No rum balls for you.You are on a diet" and cookies in the disposal..Xmas maintenance
12/27/2012 10:29:13 AM,  141 COMMENTS
I have lost 117 pounds and am in one year and three months of maintenance. One of my tools to stay focused during the holidays is to get rid of the...  Read more
I've had enough! I sent DH packing out the door this morning...
12/26/2012 9:04:47 AM,  192 COMMENTS
198 .... with all the leftover Holiday Goody Temptations!!! 18 I didnt do too badly as I didnt make or buy much, but some goodies got brought a...  Read more
looking back to move forward
12/26/2012 5:35:01 AM,  133 COMMENTS
before i start my reflections blog i want to take this oputunity to thank each and every one of you for all your support,love,encouragement and inspir...  Read more
A castle for Christmas
12/24/2012 4:15:01 PM,  109 COMMENTS
Hello dear Sparkfriends! One month without a hike! :( Honestly, the weather hasn’t been wonderful lately, and I have missed my hikes! Finally tod...  Read more
There's something to this EATING MORE stuff.
12/19/2012 9:04:20 AM,  64 COMMENTS
On the 6th, my husband gave me a Body Media Fit for St. Nick's Day. It was originally meant to be a Christmas gift, but he knew how badly I wanted it,...  Read more
What I learned on the school bus on the way to MAINTENANCE
12/12/2012 8:31:45 AM,  78 COMMENTS
They say the REAL education takes place on the bus on the WAY TO school. The education about real life.58 Perhaps the same goes for the weight ma...  Read more

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