Sunday 21 April 2013

Apps to prevent abuse against women

Recent surveys say that women go through some sort of abuse every where in the world. Some of the nations are trying to control such horrible incidents but it is still growing.
However, today we are trying to discuss some  technology related solutions to help prevent women's harassment and prevent abuse, assault, and rape  related incidents via mobile application. 
Recently, the news from Indian capital Delhi caught the waves of world news when a 23 years old girl
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medical student lost her life after being gang raped. 

IT experts from across the world are trying to invent  programs and applications which can prevent such incidents against women. The experts have been partially successful in their mission as mobile application can save you from such horrible incidents. 
Here are some Apps for Women security and against abuse:
1. The Circle of Six app :-
The USA Department of Health and Human Services has expressed that the Apps against Abuse are targeted at preventing sexual assault and intimate partner violence among women age 16 to 24. It will allow women to quickly access friends or emergency contacts within two clicks, then text out pre-programmed calls for help if they're in trouble anywhere and anytime.
Nancy Schwartzman and co-creator Deb Levine have said that Circle of six creates an environment where "friends can keep you safe." The goal is to harness what kids already do—spend a lot of time on their phones, go out in groups, check in with each other, and talk about relationships—and raise awareness about the ways they can prevent violence.
You can download the application from apple store or Google app store.

2. On Watch app :-
The USA, Department of Health and Human Services has permitted another application named as "On Watch app" which allows a woman to set a countdown timer that will transmit her Global Positioning System (GPS) location to a friend or family or local help center if "activities don’t go according to plan or normal ways. 

You can download the application from 
apple store or Google app store.

3. Taser/stun gun app :-
Taser or stun gun is an incapacitating weapon that momentarily disables a person with an electric shock which is attached in your iPhone or mobile device. The shock is not strong enough to kill a person but does give victims enough time to get away from the attackers. 

This application required special permission from Home Departmentto download.

4. ICE app :-
This application, In Case Emergency (ICE) allows the user to auto set speed dial in the mobile. It stores thousands of helpline numbers either police station or woman cells or it will set automatically with Global Positioning System (GPS) detection methodology.

The ICE App provides first responders to the paramedical cells, near firefighters, close police officers, emergency room personnel, doctors and nurses nearby hospitals with access to critical information that can potentially save a life in the event of an emergency either woman abuse.
Information is stored on the iPhone through ICE App includes the victim's name, photograph, date of birth, height and weight; emergency contact names and numbers; medical conditions, blood type, food allergies, medication allergies, and current medications; plus the victim's organ donation preference.
You can download this application from Apple store or Google apps store.
5. Hudud app :-

Hudud is an Arabia word means crime against the creator. According to Islamic books, Hudud crime are various form such as adultery, fornication, incest, pedophilia, rape, pimping, apostasy, blasphemy and others.
So this application is developed by Iranian IT experts and only allowed in their country to prevent such crimes. Some IT experts express that Hudud is a replica of "Circle of Six" which is not yet confirmed due to non-availability of the apps for all till date.
This application required special permission from Iranian authority to download.
6. "Not cool, bro" app :-
"Not cool, bro" app is an application developed by Canadian IT experts patronized by USA government to prevent woman abuse. By this application, user(s) receive a text alert every time one of your bros says something untoward. Voice-recognition software of this app recognizes phrases like "She was asking for it" and "It is not rape if she is sleeping," then points you to de-friend the offending person on Facebook in a few clicks action.
It can also be programmed to recognize a male or female friend apologizing for rape by such phrases as "she shouldn't have worn that skirt",

"she shouldn't have gotten so drunk", etc. Developers hope that this will prevent some of such woman abusive incidents.

You can download the application from Apple store or Google Play very soon.
Conclusion :-
Rape like incident could be prevented if only a victim could reach her Phone just in time of need. But ground reality is that the rape is committed in such surrounding and circumstances that most victims don't/can't even pick up the phone; even if to report the crime after the fact because most victims go fully senseless.
Most of the times rapes are committed by near relatives, close friends, boyfriends, and social contacts of the victim and they are easily traceable but generally, no proof remains.
Here, one thing can easily be done by the victim ---- she might program her emergency contact list or keep her phone on speed dial mode. It is also a ground reality that we cannot stop the rape or domestic woman abuse by GPS - tracking a woman's every move in their working or daily life actions. It needs a social road map targeted at raising awareness and actually preventing such incidents which are spreading these days.

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