Saturday 11 May 2013

WordPress Plugins to Speed up Website | Experts Recommended

Few days back I did some analysis about Optimization of my blog to speed up.
How really it matter to visitors or SEO?
What i really did that I have removed speed up plugins for optimization from my blog then after one day i found that my traffic rate drops down and bounce rate of top ranked articles goes high as compared to previous days when i am using All optimization methods So i come to know that If your website is slow, you will not leave a good impact on your readers, no matter how good your content is! A website that loads without needless waiting gets good marks both in terms of user experience as well as search engine rankings.
It is well known that caching can help you speed up your website’s load times. So, which is the best caching plugin for WordPress?
Do you want your visitors to stay longer?
Want them to check out more?
If so, the very first thing you need to do is to check your WordPress blog loading time.
How to Test Speed of Website?
There are some tools available online which provides every specific data about loading speed of website and how really we can overcome from slow down of website. some of them are listed below.

* Google Page Speed

* Pingdom Page Speed Tool

* GTMetrix (Speed & Performance)

Why I really feel to concentrate on speed of my blog? Because I find that what so ever will be your content, you will loose your readers attention if your blog speed is more then 5sec. This is recommended load speed for blog, because when I go over to some bloggers and share some articles like where article is lengthy with some fancy images and it took lot more time to open! then they head over to me by saying WTH is your blog same times happens to you also right! So just imagine if an blogger can’t wait for 5sec then How you can expecting your readers to come to your blog to enjoy loading….page? I think you got my point of speed up website.

There are thousands of WordPress plugins available online. But only Some of them are very useful for your blog to offer more powerful and highly effective experience to your readers. After going through most of the high speed blogs and websites, I talk about the Plugins from their owners and I list only recommended plugins rather then creating fish market of optimization plugins.

For Caching -

* W3 Total Cache

More than 2,108,838 downloads has been made till now, W3 Total Cache is best cache WordPress plugin which is recommended by Pro-bloggers because It comes with accelerating caching to load pages quickly. Moreover it optimize using caching browser, page, object, database, minify and content delivery network support.

That’s right it also support CDN (Content Delivery Networks) like MaxCDN, NetDNA, Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud, and Amazon Cloud Front.

* WP Super Cache

This is another cache plugin for WordPress, it found to be a very fast caching engine for WordPress which makes fixed web-page coding files. The static HTML file is offered instead of actually calling several PHP scripts over and over again. User interface is absolutely has a extreme studying bend to it, and it can be complicated for a starter.

* WP Database Optimizer

Foremost step to speed up website is to increase your database load speed So lets you speed up your MySQL database, without you seeking to learn complex optimization tactics. This plugin runs the ‘optimize table’ command on your WordPress tables and defragments them.

On of the best way to keep WordPress performance is to regularly optimize database records and to do this automatically, you can try WP Database Optimizer plugin. You can schedule it to run after a certain number days and let it do the work in background.

For Images -

* WP

We all know that content with eye appealing pictures tends to do well as in comparison to content without any picture. But there is problem with loading speed of page which may flip up using large size images in posts So in order to overcome this issue, I have found this WP Smush. it plugin which is used by me on wallpapers site which rapidly increase loading speed of pages by automatically optimizing images while you add them into your post.

* Lazy Load

If you are working on tech blog or any website where you tends to use multi images in single post then this would be recommended plugin for you. It’s specialty is that whenever your visitor scroll down then only it load images to visible at viewpoint. Moreover it is highly recommended to improve page load speed and server bandwidth.

* FV Gravatar Cache

Few days back I noticed that my blog got increase in DNS query, when i checked my blog using best tools to check website speed i found that my blog had increase in DNS query from Because what does really happen is when your articles is getting more and more comments and If you are enabled with gravatars with comments then this would be perfect for your blog. I have installed this Plugin, Instead of downloading gravatars images directly from, the plugin will stores all the gravatars on your blog by caching gravatars on comment submission which means lesser DNS query look up and better site speed.
* BJ Lazy Load

This would be better to use if you are facing problem with loading speed of website due to bulk of images and gravatars. Because this plugin replaces all images (including gravatars) and iframes in your page with a placeholder and loads them only when they are visible in the view port of the browser.

Remember :

* People are hectic and excited So your Website User Interface should be speed up!

* If your website is a slow loading site then your articles will ranks lower in results!

Reward :

Now we have listed best optimization plugins to speed up website from every aspect like Cache, Images, User Interface. If still you are confused about using plugins for your blog/website. Then I have another great plugin Called…..
* P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)

I use to scan plugins to increase the efficiency of usage. Basically it let you know which plugins are showing down your website So that you can alternative plugins to check performance of your website.
What are You Using?

It’s your time to decide which would be best plugin for your website/blog. If you still want to recommend any other plugin then above these, roll in to comments and start sharing your WordPress speed optimization tools that you use.

1 comment:

  1. Very thorough article. Another thing I would consider is if WordPress is really the platform I want to become an expert in. In my experience, clients who want a WordPress site are different than the clientele for other platforms like Tumblr, etc. Great list of resources – thanks!
    Wordpress Websites
