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Monday 16 February 2015


Are you using social media marketing to help grow your business?

Do you have any social media marketing tips that you've learned from your experiences of engaging with people in online networks?

I've found that there are some social media marketing tips that I keep reaffirming and that can help businesses maximise their use of social media as a marketing channel.

Check out these 12 social media marketing tips below. If you're not using any now, then consider doing so...
12 Social Media Marketing Tips

Have A Plan

Don't just post randomly in social media. Don't 'log on' whenever you find time and see what's happening in your streams or who's mentioning a popular hashtag.

That isn't how you should use social media for marketing. That's how you use social for personal use.

In business, you have to be clever. You have to be focused. And you have to be results driven.

A social media marketing plan will allow you to map out where you want to get to, how to get there and how to measure your efforts.

Image source: cdnseed.org

Deliver Value, Consistently

By delivering value, all the time, you position yourself as an authority in your industry or niche. People listen to what you say because they value your words.

This is especially valuable to businesses who utilise social media to attract, retain, convert and even deliver to customers.

Analyse Past Efforts To Improve Performance Going Forwards

If you don't understand what performance your past activities produced, then you will have no solid basis to make improvements.

It's important to learn what worked and what didn't. Failing isn't a bad thing, as long as you learn from it and make the necessary changes going forwards.

Vary Content Formats

If all your social media posts are the same format, your stream can quickly become stale.

Regularly share videos, images, infographics, text posts, vines, slideshares, presentations, podcasts, or any other format you can think of to keep things fresh and engaging.

Host Webinars

Webinars are quite a recent addition to a marketers toolbox. But they work fantastic if promoted and delivered correctly.

They allow you to get face-to-face in the virtual sense, while be able to deliver content, training or services in a one-to-many business model.

Image source: http://blog.visiolink.com/

Use Hashtags Strategically

If you add #hashtags for the sake of it then it creates little value and can actually have a negative effect on the effectiveness of the post.

An example is repeating hashtags. A tweet such as: "Learn how to use #SocialMedia like a pro #SocialMedia" doesn't add any additional exposure.

Among many Twitter social media marketing tips articles is the advice to capitalise hashtags appropriately and not to use more than 2-3 in each tweet.

Add Text To Images For Context

Adding text to images can not only give context, but can provide additional call to actions that are more clearly presented.

It's common for images in articles to include text to explain to the reader a particular viewpoint or provide further direction.

Automate Curated Content

Content curation is the practice of sharing other people's content in your social media streams. It's wise to do so because simply sharing your own links and content will start to put your audiences off.

You can also establish new relationships with content publishers by sharing their related content in your streams, or build reciprocal power for mutual social sharing.

Don't Spread Yourself Too Thin

Trying to be on every platform isn't productive or strategic. Choose which platforms have the highest concentration of your ideal customers and focus on these networks first.

It's more important to ensure your social media marketing efforts are effective, than seeing how many networks you can be apart of.

But Don't Narrow Your Focus Too Much

Becoming too narrow is risky. You don't have the diversity to hedge against setbacks in one network and your business can suffer as a result.

Don't 'Set And Forget' About Your Website Content

Website content, as well as your website design, should be routinely updated. You can't simply write it once then leave it for years to gather dust.

Things change in business. People come and go and your business develops. Keep your website fresh and up to date whenever your business takes steps forwards.

Reengage website visitors with Social Advertising

One advertising method is called reengagement - showing ads to people who have visited your website already.

This has proved to be one of the most effective social media marketing tips when using paid methods because those that see your advert are already familiar with your brand.

They have already been exposed to your business so your marketing messages are being reinforced with trust and acceptance.
Have Your Own Social Media Marketing Tips To Add?

It would be great to hear your social media marketing tips and how they have helped you grow your business. Share your tips in the comments below.

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